Best doctor for Neck, Back and Spine Care in Shalimar Bagh

Neck and back problems are common, and often hard to cope with. Whether you’ve got a stiff neck or bulging disc, pain and other symptoms can take a toll on your quality of life. If your neck or back pain makes it hard to sit, stand or sleep comfortably, or prevents you from working or taking care of your family, it may be time to see a doctor who specializes in spine conditions. Understanding the Spine Your spine is made up of 33 small bones called vertebrae. They begin in your neck and run down through your lower back, ending in the area known as your tailbone. From top to bottom, your spine is divided into several segments: · Seven cervical vertebrae make up your neck. · Twelve thoracic vertebrae form your upper back. · Five lumbar vertebrae make up your lower back. They are the largest ver...