Remember This If Someone Has A Stroke - Best doctor for brain stroke in Pitampura, Delhi

A stroke is a dangerous, fatal accident that can happen to anyone at any time. Experiencing a stroke might sound scary, but what’s more paralyzing is not knowing what to do when a person near you gets a stroke. So to make this particular notion of identifying and reporting a stroke as it happens, expert neurologists came up with an acronym that has made first responding for a stroke a much, much easier process. FAST The acronym FAST has been in use since it was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1998 and has been promoted by various respected organizations like the American Heart Association and the National Stroke Association. The full form of the FAST acronym is as follows: ● F- F stands for Face . Droopiness in the face is the easiest way to determine whether a person is experiencing a stroke or not. A stroke generally causes facial features to droop on one side, so if you think a person is experiencing a stro...